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Monday, 14 September 2009

تحریک تحفظ ختم نبوت اور علامہ شاہ احمد نورانی

عقیدہ ختم نبوت اسلام کی اساس اور وہ بنیاد ہے جس پر دین اسلام کی پوری عمارت کھڑی ہے، یہی وہ عقیدہ ہے جوجسد اسلا م کی روح ہے، یہی وجہ ہے کہ اس عقیدہ کی اہمیت اور نزاکت کے پیش نظر مسلمان ہر دور میں تحفظ ختم نبوت کیلئے بڑے حساس اور چوکس رہے ہیں، تاریخ اسلام شاہد ہے کہ جب بھی کسی کمینہ خصلت نے قصر نبوت پر ڈاکہ زنی کی ناپاک جسارت کی، غیور مسلمانوں کی تلواریں اللہ کا انتقام بن کر اس کی طرف لپکیں اور اس جہنم واصل کر دیا،مسلمانوں کی تاریخ اس عقیدے کے تحفظ کیلئے قربانیاں دینے والوں سے بھری ہوئی ہے ، ختم نبوت اتنا اہم مسئلہ ہے کہ قرآن مجید میں سو سے زائد مقامات پر اس کا واضح الفاظ میں ذکر موجود ہے جبکہ خودرسالتمآب صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے کم و بیش دو سے زائد احادیث مبارکہ میں اس امر کی وضاحت مختلف پیرائے میں کی کہ پوری امت ہمیشہ ہمیشہ کیلئے ختم نبوت کے مسئلہ پر یکسو اور متحد ہو گئی اور یہ پوری امت کا متفقہ عقیدہ قرار پایا۔

حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی حیات مبارکہ سے لے کر آج تک ہر دور میں دنیا کے حریص اور طالع آزماﺅں نے جھوٹ، فریب، مکر و دجل اور شعبدے بازیوں سے قصر نبوت میں نقب لگانے کی جسارت کی، مگر امت مسلمہ اس جعلسازی کا مقابلہ کرنے کیلئے ہمیشہ مستعد رہی،مسیلمہ کذاب،طلیحہ بن خویلد ،اسود عنسی سے لے کر مرزا قادیانی تک امت مسلمہ نے ہر دور میں ان نقب زنوں کا کامیاب تعاقب کیا ، 1901ئ میں جب سے مرزا غلام احمد قادیانی نے اپنے خود ساختہ نبی ہونے کا اعلان کیا،تو علماءو مشائخ نے اس فتنے کے سدباب اورہر میدان میں قادیانیت کا محاسبہ جاری رکھا۔

بیسویں صدی کا آغاز امت مسلمہ کیلئے جن بدترین حالات میں ہو ا،اس کا آج تصور بھی نہیں کیا جاسکتا،لیکن اس تاریک دور میں اللہ ربّ العزّت نے اپنے خصوصی فضل و کرم سے امت کو ایسے افراد سے نوازا جنھوں نے کفر و طاغوت اور ظلم و استحصالی نظام کے خلاف ہر محاذ پر چومکھی لڑائی لڑی ،ان نفوس قدسیہ میں حضرت علامہ شاہ احمد نورانی صدیقی کو ایک ممتاز اورمنفرد مقام حاصل ہے،علامہ شاہ احمد نورانی کی زندگی اسلام کے عملی نفاذ،دینی قوتوں اورجمہوری اداروں کی فروغ وبقا،پاکستان کے استحکام و سا لمیت، مسلم وحدت کی مسلسل جدوجہد ، احیائے اسلام اور کفر کے خلاف عالم اسلام کی بیداری سے عبارت ہے۔

یکم اپریل 1926ءمیں مبلغ اسلام سفیر پاکستان حضرت علامہ شاہ عبدالعلیم صدیقی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ کے گھر پیدا ہونے والے اس فرزند ارجمند نے زندگی بھر اپنے ایمان ،ضمیراور نسبی تقاضوں کوسامنے رکھ کر احقاق حق اور ابطال ِ باطل شمع روشن رکھی،علامہ شاہ احمد نورانی صدیقی کی زندگی کا واحد مشن ملک خداداد پاکستان میں نظام مصطفی کا نفاذ اور مقام مصطفی کا تحفظ تھا،جناب شاکر حسین خان ریسرچ اسکالر علوم اسلامی جامعہ کراچی اپنے تحقیقی مقالے میں لکھتے ہیں کہ

 ”قیام پاکستان کے بعد علماءو مشائخ نے 1953ءمیں قادیانیوں کے خلاف تحریک چلائی لیکن وہ کامیاب نہ ہوسکی،اس کے باوجود علمائے حق نئی حکمت عملی سے اپنی ذمہ داریاں احسن طریقے سے سر انجام دیتے رہے اور ہر محاذ پر قادیانیوں کے سامنے سینہ سپر رہے،وہ علماءجنہوں نے حق کی آواز کو تحریک ختم نبوت 1953ءکی ناکامی کے بعد دوبارہ بلند کیا، ان میں روشن و تابندہ نام مولانا شاہ احمد نورانی صدیقی کا ہے،جنہوں نے عقیدہ ختم نبوت کے تحفظ کیلئے بھر پور طریقے سے عملی جدوجہد جاری رکھی،قادیانیوں کے خلاف تحریک چلائی اور ان کی ہر موڑ پر مخالفت کرتے رہے،مولانا کو قادیانیوں کی مخالفت کرنا ورثے میں ملی تھی،ان کے والد مولانا شاہ عبد العلیم صدیقی قادیانیوں کے اہم مخالفین میں سے تھے،انہوں نے افریقہ ،یورپ،سیلون ،انڈونیشیا، ملائیشیا،برما،اور عرب ریاستوں میں قادیانیت کے خلاف مہم چلائی اور ان کے رد میں انگریزی زبان میں ”The Mirror“ نامی کتاب لکھی۔۔۔۔۔انہوں نے ایک کتاب اردو میں بھی تحریر کی،جس کا نام ”مرزائی حقیقت کا اظہار “ ہے،اس کتاب کا ملائیشیا کی زبان میں ترجمہ شائع ہوا تو وہاں قادیانیوں کے خلاف زبردست تحریک چلی،جس کے بعد ملائیشیا میں قادیانیوں کا داخلہ ممنوع قرار دے دیا گیا، چنانچہ مولانا نورانی نے اپنے والد کے نقش قدم پر چلتے ہوئے قادیانیوں کی مخالفت کی اور ہمیشہ ان کے آگے آہنی چٹان کی مانند کھڑے رہے۔“ بحوالہ ماہنامہ پیام حرم کراچی ،نومبر 2005 ءص23

علامہ نورانی 1971میں پہلی بار جمعیت علماءپاکستان کے ٹکٹ پر قومی اسمبلی کے ممبر منتخب ہوئے،15اپریل 1972ء کو قومی اسمبلی کا سہ روزہ افتتاحی اجلاس شروع ہواتوعلامہ نورانی نے اجلاس کے پہلے ہی روز جمعیت علماء پاکستان کے پارلیمانی قائد کی حیثیت سے عبوری آئین کے حوالے سے عقیدہ ختم نبوت کے تحفظ کو اپنا موضوع گفتگو بنایا، یہ پاکستان کی تاریخ میں قومی اسمبلی کے فلور پر عقیدہ ختم نبوت کے تحفظ میں بلند ہونے والی سب سے پہلی آواز تھی،قومی اسمبلی میں اپنے اوّلین خطاب میں علامہ نورانی نے آئین کے اندر مسلمان کی تعریف شامل کرنے کا پرزور مطالبہ کیااور کہا کہ ” جو لوگ حضور اکرم صلی للہ علیہ وسلم کو آخری نبی نہیں مانتے ہم ان کو مسلمان ہی نہیں سمجھتے۔“

آپ کے اس مطالبے کا مقصد پاکستان کے اس اعلیٰ ترین انتظامی عہدوں پر عقیدہ ختم نبوت کے مخالف قادیانیوں اور غیر مسلموں کے فائز ہونے کے امکانات کا ہمیشہ ہمیشہ کیلئے خاتمہ تھا،دراصل علامہ نورانی کا آئین میں مسلمان کی تعریف شامل کرنے کا مطالبہ قادیانیوں کو کافر اور غیرمسلم اقلیت قرار دینے کی تحریک کانقطہ آغاز اور 1974ءکی تحریک ختم نبوت کی بنیادی اساس تھا، اس اجلاس میں مولانا نورانی نے مسلمان کی تعریف کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ ”مسلمان وہ ہے کہ جو کتاب وسنت اور ضرویات دین پر یقین رکھتا ہو اور قرآن کو ان تشریحات کے مطابق مانتا ہو جو سلف صالحین نے کی ہیں،نیز حضور صلی للہ علیہ وسلم کو آخری نبی تسلیم کرتا ہو،اگراسلامی آئین میں مسلمان کی یہ تعریف شامل نہ کی گئی تو ہم ایسے آئین کو اسلامی آئین نہیں کہیں گے“ بحوالہ مولانا شاہ احمد نورانی ایک عالم ایک سیاستداں ،ص 102-103

چنانچہ 17اپریل 1972ءکوجمعیت علماءپاکستان اور متحدہ اپوزیشن کی جانب سے مسلمان کی جامع تعریف کو پہلی بار اسمبلی میں پیش کی گئی، جسے بعد میں 1973ءکے آئین میں شامل کرلیا گیا،علامہ نورانی کی کوششوں کی بدولت مسلمان کی تعریف پاکستان کے آئین کا حصہ بن چکی تھی، دراصل آئین میں اس تعریف کی شمولیت نے قادیانیوں کو ایک ایسی غیر مسلم اقلیت قرار دے دیا تھا، جس کا مستقبل میں صرف اعلان ہونا ہی باقی رہ گیا تھا، اس تعریف کی شمولیت سے قادیانیوں کو بھی یہ یقین ہو چلا تھا کہ وہ ایک غیر اعلانیہ غیر مسلم اقلیت قرار پاچکے ہیں، علامہ شاہ احمد نورانی پاکستان کی پارلیمانی اورآئینی تاریخ میں پہلے سیاستدان تھے، جنہوں نے سب سے پہلے آئین میں مسلمان کی تعریف شامل کرنے کا مطالبہ کیا اورآپ نے آئین سازی کیلئے قائم کمیٹی میں سب سے پہلی ترمیم مسلمان کی تعریف اور اسلام کو ریاست کا سرکاری مذہب قرار دینے سے متعلق پیش کی۔

مولانا نورانی کو منکرین ختم نبوت قادیانیوں اور قادیانیت سے شدید نفرت تھی اور اسی نفرت نے انہیں زندگی بھر قادیانیت کے خلاف مصروف جہاد رکھا،قیام پاکستان کے بعد امت مسلمہ کو امید تھی کہ ایک اسلامی نظریاتی ملک ہونے کی وجہ سے حکومت وقت عوام کے مذہبی جذبات و احساسات کا خیال کرتے ہوئے قادیانیوں کو غیر مسلم اقلیت قرار دے گی،لیکن افسوس کہ ایسا نہیں ہوااور وقت کے ساتھ ساتھ قادیانیوں کی سازشوں اور ریشہ دوانیوں میں بھی اضافہ ہوتا چلا گیا،یہاں تک قادیانیوں کی اسلام اور ملک دشمن سرگر میوں کی وجہ سے امت مسلمہ کی نفرت نے 1953ءکی تحریک ختم نبوت کو جنم دیا، جسے حکومت نے طاقت کے بل پر وقتی طور پر دبالیا،لیکن قادیانی ذ رّیت سے یہ نفرت امت مسلمہ کے دلوں میں سلگتی رہی،علامہ نورانی جو کہ نوجوانی میں تحریک ختم نبوت 1953ءمیں جیداکابر علماء کے ساتھ”علماءبورڈ کے ممبر اور مجلس عمل تحفظ ختم نبوت سندھ کے جنرل سیکرٹیری“کی حیثیت سے مرکزی کردار ادا کرچکے تھے۔

اس تحریک کی ناکامی کے اسباب و عوامل سے پوری طرح واقف تھے، چنانچہ آپ نے تحفظ ختم نبوت اور عظمت مصطفی کو مملکت کا قانون بنانے اور آئینی تحفظ دینے کیلئے کام کرنا شروع کردیا، اس سفر کی کامیاب ابتداءآئین میں مسلمان کی تعریف کی شمولیت ،ریاست کا سرکاری مذہب اسلام ،دیگر اسلامی دفعات کو آئینی تحفظ دینے کے علاوہ عائلی قوانین کی تنسیخ ، تینوں مسلح افواج کے سربراہوں کیلئے مسلمان ہونے کی شرط ، فتنہ ارتداد کو روکنے کی ضمانت حاصل کرنے اور پاکستان کے دستور کو دو قومی نظریے سے ہم آہنگ کرنے کی کوششوں سے ہوچکی تھی اور آپ اپنے اہداف پر نظر رکھے ہوئے مرحلہ وار اس منزل کی جانب رواں دواں تھے۔

علامہ نورانی29اپریل 1973ءکو آزاد کشمیر اسمبلی میں میجر (ریٹائرڈ)محمد ایوب کی متفقہ طور پرمنظور کی جانے والی قادیانیوں کو غیر مسلم اقلیت قرار دینے کی قرار داد سے بھی اچھی طرح واقف تھے اور محسوس کررہے تھے کہ قادیانیوں کو غیر مسلم اقلیت قرار دینے کی قرار داد پاکستان کی نیشنل اسمبلی کو بھی منظور کرکے پاکستان کے مسلمانوںکے جذبات کی ترجمانی کرنی چاہیے،واضح رہے کہ میجر (ریٹائرڈ) محمد ایوب کی قرار داد کا اصل محرک اور اس کی بنیاد 17اپریل 1972ءکوپاکستان کی قومی اسمبلی میں پیش کردہ مسلمان کی وہ متفقہ تعریف تھی جسے علامہ نورانی اور آپکے رفقاءنے تیار کیا تھا ،آزاد کشمیر اسمبلی نے قادیانیوں کو غیر مسلم اقلیت قرار دے کر ایک نئی تاریخ ہی رقم نہیں کی بلکہ پاکستان کی نیشنل اسمبلی کے اراکین کیلئے بھی آئندہ کا لائحہ عمل متعین کردیا تھا۔

مرزائی آئین میں مسلمان کی تعریف کی شمولیت سے پہلے ہی سخت پریشان تھے کہ آزاد کشمیر اسمبلی میں قادیانیوں کے خلاف قراردادکی منظوری نے ان کے تمام خدشات کو یقین میں بدل دیااور انہیں محسوس ہونے لگا کہ عنقریب اب پاکستان کی قومی اسمبلی میں موجود علماءان کے مستقبل کے بارے میں قرار داد پیش کرکے ان کیلئے رہے سہے راستے بھی بند کردیں گے اس صورتحال نے مرزا ناصر کو اس قدر سیخ پا کردیا کہ وہ مسلمانوں کے خلاف ہذیان بکنے لگا، اتفاق سے اسی دوران سانحہ ربوہ پیش آگیا،جس نے قادیانیوں کے خلاف عوامی نفرت کو مزید گہرا کردیا،بعد میں یہی سانحہ تحریک ختم نبوت 1974ءکی اصل بنیاد بنا،علامہ شاہ احمد نورانی جو کہ تمام حالات کا نہایت ہی باریک بینی سے جائزہ لے رہے تھے ، نے محسوس کیا کہ اب قادیانیوں کو غیر مسلم اقلیت قرار دلوانے کیلئے آئینی اور قانونی جنگ لڑنا انتہائی ضروری ہوگیا ہے، چنانچہ 30، جون 1974ءکو آپ نے قادیانیوں کو غیر مسلم اقلیت قرار دینے کیلئے تاریخ ساز قراردادقومی اسمبلی میں پیش کی ،جسے ایوان نے متفقہ طور پر منظور کرلیا۔

اس حوالے سے رویت ہلال کمیٹی کے چیئرمین مفتی منیب الرحمن لکھتے ہیں کہ ”علماء اس سے پہلے بھی موجود تھے۔۔۔۔ مگر یہ سعادت ماضی میں کسی کے حصے میں بھی نہیں آئی،تاریخ پاکستان میں پہلی بار ایک مرد حق ،پیکر صدق و صفا ،کوہ استقامت اور حاصل جرات و شجاعت علامہ شاہ احمد نورانی صدیقی اسمبلی میں پہنچے اور فتنہ انکار ختم نبوت یعنی قادیانیت کو کفر و ارتداد قرار دینے کی بابت قرار داد قومی اسمبلی میں پیش کرنے کی سعادت حاصل کی ،تاریخ اسلام میں ریاست و مملکت کی سطح پر فتنہ انکار ختم نبوت کو کفروارتداد قرار دینے اور ان کے خلاف علم جہاد بلند کرنے کا اعزاز جانشین رسول خلیفہ اوّل حضرت ابوبکر صدیق رضی اللہ عنہ کو حاصل ہوااور ان کے بعد یہ اعزاز انہی کی اولاد امجاد میں علامہ شاہ احمد نورانی صدیقی کو نصیب ہوا۔“بحوالہ ماہنامہ کاروان قمر کراچی نومبر دسمبر 2004ءص 20

قومی اسمبلی کی خصوصی کمیٹی جو کہ پورے ایوان پر مشتمل تھی نے دو ماہ میں قادیانی مسئلے پر غور خوض کیلئے 28اجلاس اور 96نشستیں منعقد کیں،اس دوران قومی اسمبلی کی خصوصی کمیٹی کے روبرو قادیانی گروہ کے سرخیل مرزا ناصر، لاہوری گروپ کے امیر صدرالدین اور انجمن اشاعت اسلام لاہور کے عبدالمنان اور مسعود بیگ پر ان کے عقائد و نظریات،ملک دشمنی اور یہودی و سامراجی گٹھ جوڑ کے حوالے سے جرح ہوئی،علامہ نورانی فرماتے ہیں کہ ” مسلسل گیارہ روز تک مرزا ناصر پر جرح ہوتی رہی اور سوال اور جوابی سوال کیا جاتا رہا،مرزا کو صفائی پیش کرتے کرتے پسینہ چھوٹ جاتااور آخر تنگ آکر کہہ دیتا کہ بس اب میں تھک گیا ہوں،اسے گمان نہیں تھا کہ اس طرح عدالتی کٹہرے میں بٹھاکر اس پر جرح کی جائے گی۔۔۔۔ وہ اپنا عقیدہ خود اراکین اسمبلی کے سامنے بیان کرگیا اور اس بات کا اعلان کرگیا کہ مرزا غلام احمد قادیانی حضور صلی للہ علیہ وسلم کے بعد مسیح موعود اور امتی نبی ہے،جن اراکین اسمبلی کو قادیانیوں کے متعلق حقائق معلوم نہیں تھے،انہیں بھی معلوم ہوگیااور انہیں اس بات کا یقین ہوگیا کہ مولانا نورانی جنہیں اقلیت قرار دلوانے کی سعی کررہے ہیں وہ لوگ واقعی کافر،مرتداور دائرہ اسلام سے خارج ہیں۔“بحوالہ ماہنامہ ضیائے حرم ختم نبوت نمبر 1974ء

قادیانی مسئلے پر فیصلہ کرنے کیلئے قومی اسمبلی کی خصوصی کمیٹی نے قادیانی مسئلہ کو جانچنے اور پرکھنے میں کوئی دقیقہ فروگذاشت نہیں چھوڑا،کمیٹی کی کارکردگی اور اس کی کاروائیوں پر حزب اختلاف کے لیڈروں نے بھی پورے اطمینان کا اظہار کیا،اس طویل جمہوری و پارلیمانی کاروائی کے بعد قومی اسمبلی نے پورے تدبر سے کام لیتے ہوئے 7، ستمبر 1974ءکو وزیر اعظم ذوالفقار علی بھٹو کی موجودگی میں آئین کی وہ واحد ترمیم منظورکی جس کی مخالفت میں ایک بھی ووٹ نہیں ڈالا گیااور قادیانیوں کو غیر مسلم اقلیت قرار دینے کا تاریخ ساز فیصلہ کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ ”جو شخص خاتم الانبیاءحضرت محمد مصطفی صلی للہ علیہ وسلم کی حتمی اور غیر مشروط ختم نبوت میں یقین نہیں رکھتا یا نبی ہونے کا دعویٰ کرتا ہے،کسی بھی لفظ یا بیان کے ذریعے حضرت محمد صلی للہ علیہ وسلم کے بعد ایک ایسے دعویدار کو نبی تسلیم کرتا ہے،یا کہ مذہبی مصلح جانتا ہے،وہ آئین یا قانون کی رو سے مسلمان نہیں ہے۔“

یوں جہاں علامہ شاہ احمد نورانی کی پیش کردہ قرار داد کی منظور ی نے ختم نبوت کے ہر منکر کو خارج اسلام قرار دے دیا،وہاں اس قرارداد کی منظوری نے وزیر اعظم ذوالفقار علی بھٹو کے عہد حکومت کوایک منفرد اعزاز سے مشرف کردیا ، 1973ءکا آئین ملک کا پہلا آئین تھا ، جس میں پاکستان کا نام اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکستان ، مملکت کا مذہب اسلام ،جس کی حفاظت کی ذمہ دار مملکت، مسلمان کی تعریف کی شمولیت اور قرآن و سنّت کے منافی کو ئی قانون نہ بنانے کی شقوں کی وجہ سے 1956ئ، 1962ءکے آئین سے قدرے ممتاز تھا، لیکن قادیانیوں کو غیر مسلم قرار دینے والی آئینی ترمیم نے اس آئین کو دنیا کے تمام اور بالخصوص اسلامی ممالک کے دستاتیر میں ایک منفرد اور انوکھا اعزاز بخشا، وہ اعزاز یہ تھا کہ اس آئینی ترمیم کے زریعے اسلام کے ایک بنیادی عقیدے عقیدہ ختم نبوت جس پر اسلام کی بنیاد قائم ہے اور جس پر عمل نہ کرنے کی صورت میں علمائے کرام قرآن و سنّت کی رو سے اس کے غیر مسلم ہونے کا اعلان کرتے تھے کو آئینی اور قانونی تحفظ دے کر اسے مملکت پاکستان کا ایک ایسا قانون بنادیا گیا تھا جس کی ر±و سے عقیدہ ختم نبوت پر یقین نہ رکھنے والا اور آپ صلی للہ علیہ وسلم کے بعد کسی اور شخص کی نبوت کو ماننے والا کافر و مرتد ،خارج اسلام اور غیر مسلم اقلیت قرار پایا۔

اس لحاظ سے 1973ءکادستور دنیا کے تمام دستاتیر میں منفرد حیثیت اور ممتاز مقام رکھتا ہے، علامہ شاہ احمد نورانی صدیقی برصغیر پاک و ہند میں تحریک ختم نبوت کے قائدِ آخر ہیں ،آپ کے ہاتھوں پاکستان کی قومی اسمبلی کے ذریعے اس نوے سالہ فتنے کا اختتام ہوااور تحریک ختم نبوت اپنے منطقی انجام تک پہنچی، جناب شاکر حسین خان ریسرچ اسکالرعلام اسلامی جامعہ کراچی لکھتے ہیں کہ ” بے شک علامہ شاہ احمد نورانی عصر حاضر میں عاشقان مصطفی کے سردار ہیں،آپ نے مقام مصطفی کے تحفظ کیلئے بے پناہ خدمات سرانجام دیں،آپ اپنی جان کی پرواہ کئے بغیر اپنے موقف پر ڈتے رہے،اللہ تعالیٰ جس سے کام لینا چاہے لے لیتا ہے،اور عقیدہ ختم نبوت کے تحفظ کیلئے اللہ تعالیٰ نے آپ کو چناآپ نے جو کارنامہ سرانجام دیا وہ اللہ تعالیٰ کا فضل و کرم تھا،جس کی بدولت آپ اپنے مقصد میں کامیاب ہوئے۔“بحوالہ ماہنامہ پیام حرم نومبر 2006ص 26

What is behind U.S. drone attacks in Pakistan?

A U.S. drone fired a missile at a Taliban vehicle in Pakistan's North Waziristan ethnic Pashtun tribal region on the Afghan border on Monday, killing at least four militants, Pakistani intelligence officials and residents said.
Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud was killed in a similar attack in the neighboring South Waziristan region, on August 5.
The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency operates the missile-firing Predator and Reaper drones. Here are some key facts and responses to questions raised by the strikes:
Many al Qaeda and Taliban members fled to northwestern Pakistan's ungoverned ethnic Pashtun belt after U.S.-led soldiers ousted Afghanistan's Taliban government in 2001. From their sanctuaries there, the militants have orchestrated insurgencies in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The United States and Afghanistan have pressed Pakistan to eliminate the sanctuaries. Apparently frustrated by Pakistan's inability to do so, the United States is hitting the militants itself.
The United States has carried out about 56 drone air strikes since the start of 2008, killing about 500, including many foreign militants, according to reports from Pakistani intelligence agents, district government officials and residents.
U.S. attacks on Pakistani Taliban leader Mehsud and his men in South Waziristan picked up after the Pakistani government ordered a military offensive against him in June.
A senior U.S. lawmaker, Senator Dianne Feinstein, told a U.S. Senate hearing in February that the drones were being flown from an air base inside Pakistan. Pakistan denied that, saying it had never granted permission for the strikes.
Pakistan officially objects to the U.S. drone strikes, saying they violate its sovereignty. It also worries the strikes could undermine efforts to deal with militancy because the civilian casualties inflame public anger and bolster support for the fighters. Pakistan has pressed the United States to provide it with drones to allow it to conduct its own anti-militant operations.
The United States says the missile strikes are carried out under an agreement with Islamabad that allows Pakistani leaders to decry the attacks in public. U.S. officials said in May that Washington had given Pakistan data on militants gathered by surveillance drones in Pakistani airspace under an agreement with Islamabad.

A senior al Qaeda member, Abu Laith al-Libi.
July 28 - An al Qaeda chemical and biological weapons expert, Abu Khabab al-Masri.
November 22 - Rashid Rauf, a Briton with al Qaeda links and the suspected ringleader of a 2006 plot to blow up airliners over the Atlantic. An Egyptian named as Abu Zubair al-Masri was also reported killed.
January 1, 2009 - Pakistani agents said a drone killed three foreign fighters. A week later, a U.S. counter-terrorism official said al Qaeda's operational chief, Usama al-Kini, and an aide had been killed. The U.S. official declined to give any details.
August 5 - U.S. drones fired missiles into Baitullah Mehsud's father-in-law's house. Pakistani and U.S. officials said Mehsud was killed in the strike, while Taliban said he had been seriously wounded and died days later.

Bin Laden calls Obama 'powerless' in Afghan war

Bill Roggio notes the new bin Laden audiotape, “An Address to the American People by the Lion of Islam Sheikh Osama bin Laden.” As the title suggests, it is expressly directed at a Western audience. There are two interesting aspects to the tape. The first is that the tape suggests that peace with al-Qaeda is a relatively simple matter: Americans need only liberate themselves "from fear and the ideological terrorism of neo-conservatives and the Israeli lobby." Bin Laden argues that the group's fight against the US is due exclusively to "your support for your ally Israel." And his bottom line is: "If you stop the war, then fine. Otherwise we will have no choice but to continue our war of attrition on every front... If you choose safety and stopping wars, as opinion polls show you do, then we are ready to respond to this." Al Qaeda tapes directed at Western audiences are more likely to emphasize the limited nature of the group's demands, and de-emphasize arguments and rhetoric about an existential conflict with the West. The rhetoric of major al Qaeda ideologues is not always so restrained.
Second, it is interesting to note the Westerners whom bin Laden singles out for condemnation, and those whom he cites in support of his arguments. Bin Laden takes pride in his ability to follow news and major publications coming out of the West, and will reference them in his propaganda efforts. For one thing, "Bin Laden says U.S. support for Israel and 'other oppressive stances' 'pushed us to the events of 9/11,' citing both President Obama's June 4th Cairo speech and Former President Jimmy Carter."
Arguing that the Obama administration is simply a repackaged Bush administration, bin Laden says that Obama uses "the same heads of defense from Cheney and Bush"; here he names Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Gen. David Petraeus. (Of course, the inclusion of Gen. Petraeus betrays bin Laden's unfamiliarity with how the US government functions.) But, to me, the most interesting of his citations to Westerners was to a book:
Bin Laden makes another but more obscure literary reference to an unnamed retired CIA agent who he says is best able to explain the reasons for the 9/11 attacks. According to bin Ladin, among the agent's works is a book title "Confessions of a Killer for Hire."
Contrary to ABC News's claim that this is an "obscure literary reference," the book bin Laden references is almost certainly John Perkins's Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.
UPDATE, 7:24 A.M.: Walid Phares has a great analysis of the new tape. His conclusions are similar to mine. Regarding al Qaeda's appeasement theme, he argues that the tape's exclusive focus on Israel and the "Israel Lobby" represents a significant evolution of its strategic communications strategy. Money quote:
The speech, per a first reading aims at creating confusion among Americans by announcing that the war can be really ended via accepting al Qaeda's conditions. But among the messages Bin Laden is sending, is an attempt to create division within the Obama Administration by stimulating those he believes are anti-Israel to pressure the US President in order to curtail the influence of the so-called Israel Lobby inside the White House and within the Administration.
Phares also adds a few more details to bin Laden's name-dropping of Westerners. Besides Perkins's Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, bin Laden also says that John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt's The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy "will give you the truth." Bin Laden references John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy in arguing that Obama cannot deviate from the path set by the Bush administration: "This President has become like a train set to move in a particular direction. He must accept these pressures otherwise his fate (the President) could be like President Kennedy or his brother (Robert)." (The reference to Robert Kennedy is ironic, given the tape's exclusive focus on Israel: Sirhan Sirhan proclaimed his rabid anti-Zionism as his motivation for assassinating Kennedy.) And in describing how retaining Sec. Gates and Gen. Petraeus (as well as Adm. Mullen) represents a continuation of the Bush administration, bin Laden says that Obama "should have appointed generals who were against the war like General Sanchez and Admiral Fallon."

Read more: http://www.longwarjournal.org/threat-matrix/2009/09/new_obl_tape_appeasement_talk.php#ixzz0R5pUobVk

No one can touch me”, says Pervez Musharraf

Former President Gen. (Retd) Pervez Musharraf has made it clear Khadim-e-Haramain Sharifain King Shah Abdullah Abdul Aziz assured him Former PM and Quaid Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) Mian Mohammad Nawaz Sharif would not touch him under article 6 of the constitution.
Talking to different Private TV Channel, he said, he would expect justice from chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhary if he was tried under article 6 of the constitution. He said if he was tried under article 6 then he would also ask the Supreme Court to try those judges who assisted him. He said he is ready to appear before the Supreme Court.
He said he had taken the steps on November 03 with consultation of 9 corps commanders, Director General Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) and current Chief of Army Staff, then time Premier, cabinet members and Governors and no one can touch him.
Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhary had already made his mind to declare him null in case challenging his eligibility for the Presidential election therefore the bench of judges was changed thrice, he alleged.
Before taking steps of November 03, he said, he met 9 corps commanders, DG ISI and current Chief of the Army Staff Gen. Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani, then times Governors and they had recommended him to do this. He said his Government and army both responsible for November 03 steps, he said.
Answering to a question, he said, the country’s situation before military coup on October 12, 2009 was deteriorated and decision to topple Mian Mohammad Nawaz Sharif’s Government was taken by whole army.
When asked about murder of Former Chief Minister and Governor Balochistan Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti, he said, some elements are keen to run murder case against him but the whole army and intelligence agencies were involved in the operation in which Bugti lost his life.
Replying to another question, the Former President said, he took 2,00,000 dollar for delivering 40 minutes lectures in India and now he is going to US from September 15 to deliver lectures. He said he would be able to purchase house in London after delivering lectures in US.
Replying to another question, he admitted the aid and weapons supplied by US to Pakistan was used to strengthen Pakistan’s defense against India. He said the US forces wanted to seize Pakistan’s nukes after 9/11 incident.
When asked about nuclear scientist Dr. Abdul Qadeer, the Former President said, he did so much for Pakistan and it is not right he (Musharraf) had asked him to tender apology before the nation.

Indian Muslims behind terrorist attacks says Pervez Musharraf

Former Pakistan President General Pervez Musharraf has blamed India for the formation of terror groups such as the Jaish-e-Muhammad (JeM).
Talking to a private television channel, Musharraf said it was the oppression of Muslims in India by the majority which forced the Pakistani youth to take up militancy and extremism and form terrorist groups such as JeM.
Musharraf also defended his action of supporting the United States in its ‘war on terror’ post 9/11 attack saying Pakistan’s existence could have been endangered if he would have not done so.
“Pakistan’s territorial integrity could have been jeopardized had Pakistan not decided to side with the US and allied forces in the post-9/11 scenario,” As quoted Musharraf, as saying.
Musharraf said during his regime Pakistan made unprecedented progress in all fields including on delicate issues like Kashmir, Siachen and the Sir Creek dispute.
“The country had moved forward on all major issues such as Kashmir, Sir Creek and Siachen through ‘back-channel diplomacy’ during my tenure,” Musharraf said.
He also claimed that India has built consulates near the Pakistan border in Afghanistan with an aim to destabilize Pakistan.

Dalits are safe in India or not

The national flag of a country is no doubt the most sacred asset for a nation. A true patriot always considers the flag of his country more important than his own life. History is replete with the names of soldiers who sacrificed their lives just to keep their flag flattering. But there happened something just opposite to it in India on the 26th January, the Republic Day of India when a huge crowd of low-caste Indian Dalits raised the Pakistan flag in Meerut to protest against the series of atrocities they have been suffering from since long. They raised slogans against the Hindu extremists who have deprived them of the basic human rights.
Although the leaders of the protesters were immediately arrested by the security agencies yet their novel way of protest became a hot topic for the world media. This type of protest by the low-caste Hindus on the days of national importance is nothing strange and new. Raising slogans against the Hindu maltreatment and atrocities, burning effigies of national leaders and copies of the Constitution of India, have become a cultural tradition on such occasions. Regarding the Dalit protest on the Republic Day of India, the world known Dalit activist and Professor of the Jawahar Lal Nehru University, Surinder Singh Jodkha told the South Asia Tribune: “Such incidents are the manifestation of alienation and frustration. I cannot say that Dalits are safe in Pakistan or not. This is not the main question. The main question is if the Dalits are safe in India or not”.
According to the sources there are about 140,000 cases of atrocities against Dalits pending in various Indian courts. Justice is delayed for the victims and they feel alienated and frustrated. Neither the law-enforcing agencies nor the courts are willing to take care of these low-caste Hindus. This indifferent attitude of them is turning the lives of these voiceless and helpless citizens of the ‘Democratic India’, into a blazing inferno. In the last August, the international media reported the worst example of human rights violation in India regarding the low-caste Dalits when a nine year old Dalit girl at Faridabad Model School was compelled to parade naked on the school premises after her family failed to deposit the tuition fees. This shocking incident took place only 40 kms away from the national capital in the northern Indian city of Faridabad .The girl was a student of class three. The condition of the Sikh community in India is more or less same as that of the Dalits. They are also treated in the same humility, insult and disgrace.
Jasbeer Singh, the editor of a bi-lingual Punjabi & English monthly magazine, Parivartan, is considered an authority on the internal social and political affairs of India. In one of his recently published articles he has criticized the government of India for ignoring the basic human right of all minorities including the Sikhs. He says, ‘While India never tires of claiming to be ‘the largest democracy’ in the world, one wonders, what did India’s leaders or its government, do to make it so? One of the tests for any ‘democratic’ regimes is how the minorities feel and fare?’
There are three types of minorities in India; Regional, religious and racial and all of them are maltreated in the worst possible manner. That is the reason one finds a state of havoc everywhere in India. From the north-east states of Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram to the blood-dripping valley of occupied Kashmir; everywhere there is a resounding and resonating tale of human rights violation. The Indian security forces are always busy in a whole-sale massacre. Innocent citizens are abducted, young girls are raped and the properties of the ‘miscreants’ are burnt to ashes. Churches, Mosques and the Gurdwaras; in short, no place of worship is safe from the brutality of Hindu extremists.  The historical cities like Hyderabad, Junagarh and Jind, Goa, Daman and Diu are also facing the same fate but the government of India is harping on the same string ,’ India is the largest democracy in the world’.
Keeping in view the human rights violation in India the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom USCIRF has placed India on its Watch List. USCIRF is an independent U.S. federal government commission. USCIRF Commissioners are appointed by the President and the leadership of both political parties in the Senate and the House of Representatives. USCIRF’s principal responsibilities are to review the facts and circumstances of violations of religious freedom internationally and to make policy recommendations to the President, the Secretary of State and Congress. USCIRF issues its annual report on religious freedom each May. This year’s India chapter was delayed because USCIRF had requested to visit India this summer.  The Indian government, however, declined to issue USCIRF visas for the trip.  That is why the annual report was released in the second week of August; 2009. Any country that is designated on the USCIRF Watch List requires close monitoring due to the nature and extent of violations of religious freedom engaged in or tolerated by the government. The other countries currently on USCIRF Watch List are Afghanistan, Belarus, Cuba, Egypt, Indonesia, Laos, the Russian Federation, Somalia, Tajikistan, Turkey, and Venezuela.
India earned the Watch List designation due to two basic reasons; first the disturbing increase in communal violence against religious minorities, specifically Christians in Orissa in 2008 and Muslims in Gujarat in 2002 and secondly the government’s largely inadequate response in protecting its religious minorities. Condemning the communal riots in Gujarat, the Commission says, “The Indian government not only failed to prevent the attacks against religious and racial minorities, but that state and local officials aided and participated in the violence.”
The USCIRF has suggested that Obama Administration must urge the government of India to take new measures to promote communal harmony, protect religious minorities, and prevent communal violence. The recommendations and suggestions of the USCIRF are no doubt very useful and beneficial for the suffering minorities of India but it would be almost impossible for the government of India to act upon these recommendations. Caste discrimination is a cultural trait of the Hindu society and the government of India can never crush the culture of the people it belongs to.
The writer is a Pakistan based bilingual analyst on national and international strategic and defense affairs

grand conspiracy of New York Times against Pakistani Journalists & Newspapers

New York Times is the newspaper based on conservatives and critic columnists and journalists, the newspaper censured against Pakistani journalists and newspapers of Pakistan including “Pakistan Daily” , “Dawn Newspaper” and some channels whereas Pakistani journalists have always played their vital role in journalism. Three months ago, a report appeared in New York Times, where they strongly criticized the newspaper Pakistan Daily in their News Blog as “A grand conspiracy theory from Pakistan” written by Robert Mackey, that
“The Web site Pakistan Daily is an Islamabad-based hub for Pakistani citizen
journalism, promising Pakistani readers: “Your News. Powered by You.” It is also an
excellent place to turn if you want to read in on the latest conspiracy theories making the
rounds in that country. Or just get very scared.”
Nytimes further writes about president Zardari that.
“Mr. Zardari displayed a shaky grasp of where exactly the line between fact and fiction lies, since he also recounted a story about Oliver North having supposedly warned Congress about the dangers posed by Mr. bin Laden in 1987”
The newspaper pointed out against our president Asif Ali Zardari, for being Shaky grasp, which is deplorable to observe against such journals. After all, many of the people commented against president zardari & Nawaz Sharif and availed the opportunity to inscribe bad comments after such journals on nytimes. The newspaper further writes,
“While most of the conspiracy theories posted on Pakistan Daily seem easy to debunk — like allegations that “Osama bin Laden may be Jewish” or that Islamist militants in Pakistan’s Swat Valley are Indian intelligence agents — it is not hard to understand why some Pakistanis are so willing to believe that unseen forces are behind their current troubles. After all, during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s, the United States did in fact work closely, and secretly, with Pakistan’s spy service, the Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence, or ISI, to destabilize that country’s government by supporting Islamic extremists like Mr. bin Laden.”
The columnists have always tipped out a subject that could be deeply considered by analysts’. My friends even in United Kingdom, US and middle east told me about nytimes that, being in modern era of 2009 New York times seems to be an old fashioned newspaper of sixties, the story or news appear on nytimes gives the impression as a fiction or story, consequently, if any buddy say that nytimes is a tabloid of sixties, hence this sentence doesn’t need any proof.
Nytimes further writes that, Dawn newspaper reported, “Taliban are supported by foreign directives”.
Elements of Pakistan’s government have also obviously played on the fears of the population to win their cooperation at certain times. In fact, they have done it as recently as last week. As my colleague Dexter Filkins pointed out, the prominent Pakistani newspaper Dawn reported last Friday reported that Pakistani  soldiers were using the threat of shadowy foreign forces to encourage citizens to support their current
battle with the Taliban. According to Dawn:
“The security forces also distributed pamphlets in various areas accusing the Taliban
of playing in the hands of anti-Pakistan elements. ‘They are the same as Jewish forces who are against the existence and security of the country and wanted to create disturbance in the region,’ read a leaflet.”
Today every citizen has accepted that Taliban were directed by foreign directives in past, even Hillary Clinton herself accepted about US links with Taliban. In this case, it was dead sure that Taliban once again might be recruited by your holy government today. The newspaper censured against our prominent columnists Ahmed Qureshi, that presence of US is not less than psy-ops (physiological operation).
According to Mr. Quraishi, the entire battle against militants in Pakistan is nothing less than a huge “American psy-ops” campaign to distract from the failures of the United States in Afghanistan. Mr. Quraishi writes:In less than two years, the United States has successfully managed to drop from news headlines its failure to pacify Afghanistan. The focus of the Anglo-American media – American and British – has been locked on Pakistan. In order to justify this shift, multiple insurgencies and endless supply of money and weapons has trickled from U.S.-occupied Afghanistan into Pakistan to sustain a number of warlords inside Pakistan whom the American media calls ‘Taliban’ but they are actually nothing but hired mercenaries with sophisticated weapons who mostly did not even exist as recently as the year 2005.
With the intention of Qureshi’s article, all journalists were amalgamated to acknowledge the US as psy-ops and operating in Pakistan, after obliteration of the Taliban from Swat and Malakand division, now Taliban has turned into form of black water. As black water is operating in Pakistan, see blue area of Islamabad, every upper story of the building is restricted and no buddy is allowed to visit or ask, what is going on there? US have presumed Pakistan as their blessed home land, then why are they still suspecting against our premier intelligence agency ISI in recent statements of Mike Mullen, which is not less than tarnishing Pakistan’s image.
As a matter of fact in recent the matter appeared about prominent columnist & journalists Dr. Shireen Mazari after her press conference, according to analyst report, it was nytimes that did informed US ambassador Anne W. Patterson to had an action against Dr. Mazari’s columns and discontinue its role in “The News” International. However, we do not have proof for saying that, but we are dead sure about the antagonistic design of nytimes and its work of criticism at this time also.
And thereof, New York Times has been much conservative to our journalists even in past, and yet to fail our prominent columnist from their job. If US embassy can take a stand for nytimes, why shouldn’t our embassy defend of our Journalists and newspapers? I think we cannot expect from apologizers however, journalists would continue their struggle, and hoped the media would be independent under the current government of Pakistan, and US embassy would be officially directed to be in the limits next time. By Asad Khan betini

Is India gearing up for a nuclear test?

Given the backdrop of the recently concluded Indo-US Nuclear Deal, the chorus of concerned voices emerging from India – and US, lamenting the purported “qualitative and quantitative” improvements in Pak nuclear arsenal is loaded with implications; worrisome not only for Pakistan but for the entire Region.
Two reports originating in the US have laid down the ground work for the Indian scientific-military community to build upon and prepare a case for India to not only expand its already formidable nuclear arsenal but also pave way for further improvements in the existing state of nuclear technology including options for resorting to further nuclear testing.
The report by the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) coming earlier had claimed that Pakistani arsenal could be as large as 70-90 warheads. The second report, authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), titled Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons: Proliferation and Security Issues, had substantiated the claims made by FAS noting that Pakistan was making ‘qualitative and quantitative improvements’ to its nuclear arsenal adding that the circumstances under which Pakistan could be willing to use the nuclear capability in its defense had undergone an increase. Without adequately explaining the context in which these were made, the CRS Report also quoted Pakistani officials’ statement alluding to them in a manner which projected an impression that perhaps Pakistan was rearing to start a nuclear arms race in the subcontinent. This included the statement made by the Foreign Ministry spokesperson while reacting to the India’s 26 Jul launch of her indigenously built nuclear powered submarine stating that “continued induction of new lethal weapon systems by India is detrimental to the regional peace and stability”.
General Deepak Kapoor, the Indian Army Chief picked up the cue and without placing the contents of these Reports within the ambit of the nuclear / conventional threat scenario heavily loaded in India’s favor, began pleading a case for review of India’s nuclear doctrine for further expansion and upgrading. Responding to the FAS report the General asserted, “There is a difference between having a degree deterrence, which is required for protection and going beyond that. If the news of (Pakistan) having 70 to 90 atomic bombs are correct then I think they are going well beyond the requirement of deterrence,” he said. Turning Pakistan into a scapegoat, his remarks have triggered an orchestrated debate in Indian media, actively joined by the strident scientific community and duly backed by the posse of intellectual hawks, calling for a review of the India’s nuclear posture including a rethink on the need to conduct further nuclear tests to retain the cutting edge of India’s nuclear program. Few aspects in this context merit consideration.
First, the signing of the Indo-US Nuclear Deal has placed India in a position of great advantage with unfettered access to nuclear material and technology. The expansion of its nuclear arsenal is now left to its own sweet discretion through taking care of the shortages of domestic uranium resources that had hamstrung Indian efforts to speed up the build up of nuclear weapons. The Agreement allows for imported nuclear fuel for its safeguarded reactors thus freeing the indigenous 300 tons of uranium to produce fissile material from 8 of Candu Type nuclear plants with 220MW capacity each, which the Agreement has placed outside of the IAEA safeguards. Indian fissile material stocks are now assured of a plentiful inventory and would certainly be used to increase the current level of India’s nuclear arsenal. The brouhaha by the Indian Chief concerning the tally of Pakistan’s nuclear holding is uncalled for and certainly meant to justify expansion of nuclear arsenal before an obliging gallery comprising US and NSG.
Second, all obstructions laid down by CTBT to prevent renewed nuclear testing by India have been effectively dismantled by the 123 Agreement. The Agreement doesn’t contain a single provision that stipulates that in the eventuality of a renewed nuclear testing the nuclear cooperation with India would cease forthwith. Thanks to US Administration bending of cardinal rules related to IAEA and NSG to avert proliferation and banning any new testing of nuclear weapons, India has been exempted from any penalties in case she chooses to resort to nuclear testing. There is no mention of the word ‘perpetuity’ related to safeguards imposed on those reactors that India has conceded to lay open to IAEA inspection. This effectively means that as and when India resumes nuclear testing the supply of nuclear material and technology would continue from the NSG countries to the safeguarded reactors even as underlying principles of the CTBT have been blown to the smithereens.
Third, the Indian tests for the Hydrogen Bomb still remain inconclusive leaving it as an unfinished agenda of the Indian nuclear quest. It is widely believed that the Indian efforts in 1998 to detonate a thermo nuclear (TN) device wasn’t entirely successful and India still is left with nagging doubts regarding the efficacy of its design for the Hydrogen bomb. Indian scientists believe that further tests would be needed to certify the TN capability besides the need to hone the existing technology for more compact, more powerful nuclear weapons. The fact that the 123 Agreement didn’t impose any restrictions on further nuclear testing by India is a clear reflection of a tacit understanding in the US establishment for the Indian ambitions to upgrade its nuclear program qualitatively as well as quantitatively.
The current tirade spearheaded by the Indian Army Chief underlining the expansion of nuclear arsenal by Pakistan is deceptively devious and is primarily aimed at providing a justification to India to start exploiting the tilted playing field offered by the Indo-US Nuclear Deal. US has bent over backwards in changing the goal posts for India to facilitate her nuclear weapons program and leave the door open for renewed nuclear testing ; even turning IAEA and the NSG into accomplices in the process. All stops limiting India’s capabilities for producing more nuclear weapons with greater sophistication stand removed and her resorting to such attempts is but a fate accompli. A serious situation confronts Pakistan which has to ensure that its nuclear as well conventional deterrence remains in balance vis-à-vis India. As India ratchets up the ante, maintenance of a minimum credible nuclear deterrence starkly emerges as the only viable option; musings by General Kapoor and highly loaded assertions by the US research institutions notwithstanding.

Chinese Army taking Indian land by inches and not yards

The Chinese army has done some construction activities along the international border across Karakoram ranges in Ladakh sector for the first time since the 1962 stand-off between the two countries with a report of Jammu and Kashmir government saying that they have been taking “land in inches and not in yards”.
The Chinese Army PLA has been engaged in construction activities across the Karakoram ranges which could be used for either stationing of additional personnel or mounting a camera for monitoring Indian troop movement, official sources said.
The Karakoram pass falls precisely on the boundary between India and China’s Xinjiang Autonomous Region, marking northern end of Sino-Indian border, known as the Line of Actual Control.
It also plays a major geographic role in the dispute between Pakistan and India over control of the Siachen Glacier area immediately to the west of the pass. This situation arose from the Simla Agreement, signed in 1972 between India and Pakistan, when t he treaty failed to specify the last 100 km of ceasefire line from end of the Line of Control to Karakoram Pass.
The West of the Pass is also referred as China-Indian-Pakistani tripoint