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Monday, 18 January 2010

2010ء پاکستان کیلئے بھاری ثابت ہو سکتا ہے؟

سکندر خان بلوچ
یہ ہیں وہ الفاظ جو امریکی سفیر پیٹرسن نے 7 جنوری کو کراچی میں ایک خطاب کے دوران کہے۔ اسے وارننگ سمجھا جائے‘ دھمکی سمجھا جائے‘ مشورہ سمجھا جائے یا صرف پیشین گوئی لیکن اس حقیقت سے انکار نہیں کیا جا سکتا کہ پاکستانی سالمیت سخت خطرے میں ہے۔ اگر امریکی ایسا کہتے ہیں تو یہ بے مقصد نہیں ہو سکتا۔ حقائق سے چشم پوشی خطرناک نتائج کو جنم دے سکتی ہے۔
اس وقت پاکستان کئی قسم کے اندرونی و بیرونی خطرات میں گھرا ہے اور یہ سب مسئلے امریکہ ہی کے پیدا کردہ ہیں۔ ہمارا سب سے بڑا مسئلہ تو دہشت گردی ہے جس نے ہماری نہ صر ف معیشت تباہ کی ہے بلکہ افراتفری‘ لاقانونیت اور غیر یقینی جیسے حالات پیدا کر کے ہمیں تباہی کے دہانے تک پہنچا دیا ہے جسے اب کنٹرول کرنا شاید ہمارے بس میں ہی نہیں رہا۔ بیرونی طور پر امریکہ‘ بھا رت اور اسرائیل پاکستان کی سالمیت کے خلاف سرگرم ہیں۔ یہ تینوں ممالک فرنٹ لائن میں ہیں لیکن ان کی پشت پر کئی اور بھی ہمارے دوست نما دشمن موجود ہیں۔ تشویشناک صورت حال یہ ہے کہ امریکہ ظاہری طور پر ہمارا اتحادی ہے ڈنڈے کے زور پر ہم سے تمام مطالبات منوا رہا ہے ہم میں حکم عدولی کی جرأت بھی نہیں لیکن پھر بھی مجرم ہم ہی ہیں۔ امریکی عادت ہے کہ جب وہ کسی ملک کی سالمیت کے خلاف ہوتا ہے تو پہلے بہانے تراش کر جنگ کی فضا تیار کرتا ہے مثلاً 1950 میں شمالی کوریا کا حملہ روکنے کے بہانے’’پولیس ایکشن‘‘ کے نام پر ’’انچان لینڈنگ‘‘ کر کے کوریا میں اپنی فوج داخل کر دی۔ اس جنگ میں تقریباً بیس لاکھ بے گناہ کورین سویلین اور ڈیڑھ لاکھ چینی زندگیوں سے ہاتھ دھو بیٹھے‘ فوجی اموات اس کے علاوہ تھیں جن کی تعداد 3½ لاکھ سے زیادہ بتائی جاتی ہے۔
پھر اگست 1964 میں ویت نام میں فوجیں داخل کر دیں۔ بہانہ یہ بنایا کہ Gulf of Tonkin میں شمالی ویت نامیوں نے امریکی جہازوں پر حملہ کیا ہے۔ اس جنگ میں بھی بے گناہ سویلین کی اموات لگ بھگ بیس لاکھ ہیں۔ فوجی اموات اس کے علاوہ ہیں جن کی تعداد 12 لاکھ تک بتائی جاتی ہے ۔ایک لاکھ کمبوڈین بھی لقمہ اجل بنے حالانکہ کمبوڈیا اس جنگ کا حصہ نہیں تھا۔ 60 ہزار امریکی بھی مرے اور ڈیڑھ لاکھ زخمی ہوئے لیکن دخل اندازی کی عادت سے امریکہ باز نہ آیا۔ پھر عراق کو ورغلا کر 1980 میں ایران پر حملہ کرا دیا اس طویل جنگ میں بھی ہزاروں کے حساب سے اموات ہوئیں۔ 1990 میں پہلے عراق سے کویت پر حملہ کرایا اور پھر کویت آزاد کرانے کے بہانے عراق پر چڑھائی کر دی۔ 60 بلین ڈالرز سعودی عرب سے جنگ کا خرچہ وصول کر لیا۔ القاعدہ کو سبق سکھانے کے بہانے 2001 میں افغانستان پر حملہ کیا۔ 2003 میں تباہ کن ہتھیار رکھنے کے الزام میں عراق پر دوبارہ چڑھائی کر دی۔ یہ تباہ کن ہتھیار تو برآمد نہ ہو سکے لیکن یہ دونوں جنگیں تاحال جاری ہیں۔ معلوم نہیں یہ جنگیں ختم ہونگی بھی یا نہیں لیکن اب تک ان دونوں ممالک میںکئی لاکھ بے گناہ لوگ جان سے ہاتھ دھو بیٹھے ہیں ۔
حالات سے ظاہر ہوتا ہے کہ امریکہ کا موجودہ ہدف خدانخواستہ پاکستان ہی ہے جس کے لئے فضا مکمل طور پر تیار کی جا چکی ہے۔ اب اس میں تو کسی کو شک نہیں کہ 9/11 کا واقعہ مسلمانوںکے خلاف ایک صہیونی سازش تھی جس کا مقصد پوری دنیا کو مسلمانوں کیخلاف لڑانا تھا۔ مسلمانوں اور عیسائیوں کو آپس میں لڑا کر دونوں طاقتوںکو اس قدر کمزور کرنا تھا تاکہ صہیونیت پوری دنیا پر حاوی ہو جائے جس کا وہ ہزاروں سالوں سے خواب دیکھ رہے ہیں۔ اسکی عملی شکل اسوقت ہمارے سامنے ہے۔ امریکہ معاشی طور پر بہت کمزور ہو چکا ہے۔ تمام مسلم ممالک پور ی دنیا میں دہشت گرد تصور ہوتے ہیں اور امریکہ کے حالیہ ایک فرمان کے مطابق اول تو مسلمانوں کو امریکہ میں داخل نہیں ہونے دیا جائے گا اور اگر مجبوری ہوئی تو انکی برہنہ تلاشی لی جائیگی۔ اس سے زیادہ مسلمانوں کی اور زیادہ بے عزتی بھلا کیا ہو سکتی ہے؟ عیسائیوں اور مسلمانوں کی اس باہمی جنگ سے سب سے زیادہ فائدہ بھی اسرائیل اور صہیونیت کو پہنچ رہاہے۔ اس کی صرف ایک مثال ہی کافی ہے ۔ اسرائیل کے تیار کردہ سیکورٹی آلات اس وقت تمام مغربی دنیا میں استعمال ہو رہے ہیں۔ ان آلات کا سب سے بڑا خریدار امریکہ ہے جس نے صرف ایک سال میں تقریباً تین بلین ڈالرز ان آلات پر خرچ کئے۔ اس ایک مثال سے اسرائیل کی آمدنی کا اندازہ لگایا جا سکتا ہے ۔
پاکستان کے خلاف جنگی منصوبہ تقریباً تیار ہو چکا ہے جس کے خدوخال واضح نظر آ رہے ہیں۔ بھارت ’’را‘‘ کی معرفت دہشت گردی میں مصروف ہے۔ سی آئی اے اور اسرائیلی موساد ’’بلیک واٹر‘‘ کے روپ میں ’’را‘‘ کے ساتھی ہیں۔ دہشت گردی کے روپ میں ’’القاعدہ‘‘ یہودیوں کی سب سے بڑی اختراع ہے۔ دہشت گردی کی ہر چھوٹی بڑی کارروائی اسی کے کھاتے میں ڈال کر پوری دنیا کیلئے ہَوا بنا دیا ہے حالانکہ القاعدہ کے خالق بھی وہ خود ہی ہیں۔ حیران کن بات یہ ہے کہ القاعدہ کے خلاف پچھلے دس سال سے پوری دنیا لڑ رہی ہے لیکن آج تک نہ تو کوئی اس کا ہیڈ کوارٹر پکڑا گیا ہے اور نہ ہی اس کا سربراہ اسامہ بن لادن اور مزید حیران کن بات یہ ہے کہ القاعدہ کیخلاف جتنی بھی جنگ شدت اختیار کر رہی ہے اس سے یہ کمزور ہونے کی بجائے دن بہ دن مضبوط ہو رہی ہے بلکہ مزید پھیل رہی ہے اور اب تقریباً تقریباً تمام مسلمان ممالک میں بقول امریکی پالیسی کے یہ نیٹ ورک موجود ہے۔ القاعدہ پر قابو پانے کے بہانے عراق اور افغانستان تو تباہ کئے جا چکے ہیں۔ پاکستان پر شدید قسم کی دہشت گردی مسلط کر دی گئی ہے ۔ یہی حالت یمن‘ شام اور افریقی مسلم ممالک کی ہے۔ اس جنگ کو War on Terror کہہ لیں یا War against Alqaida مقصد ایک ہی ہے۔ اب یہ جنگ تقریباً تقریباً عالمی جنگ کی شکل اختیار کر چکی ہے لیکن’’ القاعدہ‘‘کہیں قابو ہی نہیں آ رہی۔ یہ دنیا کی واحد جنگ ہے جس میں دشمن پر جتنا حملہ کیا جائے وہ اتنا مضبوط ہو رہا ہے تو اس سے ایک ہی نتیجہ نکلتا ہے کہ یا تو ’’القاعدہ‘‘ کوئی ایسی سپر نیچرل تنظیم ہے جسے مافوق الفطرت طاقتوں کی پشت پناہی حاصل ہے جسے ختم کرنا انسانی بس میں ہی نہیں یا پھر یہ صہیونی میڈیا کی وہ ’’من گھڑت‘‘ تنظیم ہے جسے یہودی میڈیا کبھی ختم نہیں ہونے دے گا جب تک خدانخواستہ مسلم دنیا مکمل طور پر تباہ نہ ہو جائے۔
صہیونی میڈیا کے مطابق دہشت گردی موجودہ دور کا سب سے بڑا خطرہ ہے۔ دہشت گردی کی ’’ماں‘‘ القاعدہ ہے اور القاعدہ اس وقت پاکستان کے سرحدی پہاڑوں میں پور ی طاقت سے قائم و دائم ہے جہاں سے یہ اپنا نیٹ ورک پوری مسلم دنیا اور خصوصاً پاکستان میں چلا رہی ہے۔ دہشت گردی یا انتہا پسندی کی تمام تنظیمیں القاعدہ ہی کے مختلف روپ ہیں۔ صہیونی میڈیا نے یہ راز بھی افشا کیا ہے کہ ان کی ایک مجلس شوریٰ کوئٹہ میں بھی موجود ہے۔ چونکہ القاعدہ کا ہیڈ کوارٹر پاکستان میں ہے اسی لئے تمام دنیا میں پاکستان ہی دہشت گردی کا مرکز ہے جس کا بھارت امریکہ اور برطانیہ پوری طاقت سے شور مچا رہے ہیں۔ ابھی حال ہی میں نئی دہلی میں دولت مشترکہ کے سپیکرز کی کانفرنس میں خطاب کرتے ہوئے بھارتی وزیراعظم نے فرمایا ۔ "Extremism is the biggest threat to the tenets of democracy" اور بھارتی وزیر اعظم جب بھی دہشت گردی یا "Extremism" کا نام لیتے ہیں تو پوری دنیا کو پتہ ہے کہ انکا اشارہ کس طرف ہوتا ہے۔ اکثر اوقات تو وہ اشاروں والا تکلف بھی نہیں کرتے بلکہ بلا واسطہ پاکستان کو ’’دہشت گردی کا مرکز‘‘ کہہ کر پوری دنیا سے اس کے خلاف جنگ کرنے کی اپیل کرتے ہیں۔
یہاں یہ واضح کرنا ضروری ہے کہ آجکل ’’را‘‘ کی ایک خفیہ رپورٹ کسی طرح انٹر نیٹ پر آ گئی ہے جس سے یہ ثبوت ملتا ہے کہ سی آئی اے اور ’’را‘‘ نے پاکستان کی ایٹمی طاقت تباہ کرنے کا معاہدہ 2001 میں کیا تھا۔ مزید یہ کہ موساد سی آئی اے اور ’’را‘‘ تینوں ایجنسیاں مل کر پاکستان میں دہشت گردی کرا رہی ہیں۔ بھارت کے پہاڑی علاقوں میں پیدا ہونے والی پوست (منشیات) جس کی قیمت کئی بلین ڈالرز ہے کا ایک چوتھائی حصہ پاکستان میں دہشت گردی پر خرچ ہو رہا ہے۔
خطرے کی بات یہ ہے کہ پچھلے دو ماہ میں کچھ ایسے واقعات رونما ہوئے ہیں یا پھر موساد اورسی آئی اے کے کارنامے ہیں جن کی وجہ سے پاکستان میں موجود القاعدہ کے خلاف حملے کا جواز بنا لیا گیا ہے۔ نومبر میں میجر ندال ملک حسن نے فورٹ ہڈ ملٹری بیس ٹیکساس امریکہ پر اندھا دھند فائرنگ کر کے 13 سولجرز مار دیئے اور 40 زخمی ہوئے۔ پھر کرسمس کے موقعہ پر نائیجیرین نوجوان عمر فاروق عبدالمطلب نے امریکی طیارہ تباہ کر نے کی کوشش کی۔ 30 دسمبر کو افغانستان میں خوست ائیر بیس پرسی آئی اے سنٹر کو خودکش دھماکے سے اڑانے والے ہمام خلیل نے آٹھ آدمی موقعہ پر مار دیے۔ ان میں سات سی آئی اے کے لوگ تھے ۔ امریکی نظر میں یہ سب القاعدہ کے لوگ تھے۔ ہمام خلیل ابو ملال البلادی صاحب کا تو حکیم اللہ محسود امیر تحریک طالبان پاکستان کے ساتھ فوٹو بھی شائع کر دیا گیا ہے۔ ان تمام حضرات کا ظاہری طورپر پاکستان سے کسی قسم کا تعلق نہیں لیکن چونکہ یہ تمام حملہ آور مسلمان تھے لہٰذا دہشت گرد میڈیا نے ثابت کر دیا ہے کہ دہشت گردی کے تمام راستے پاکستان کی طرف جا رہے ہیں اس لئے ہر بُرائی کی جڑ پاکستان قرار دیا جا رہا ہے۔ اس سیناریو میں امریکی سفیر کی دھمکی یا پیشین گوئی بے مقصد نہیں۔ خدا پاکستان کی حفاظت کرے ۔ آمین!

Chief Beneficiaries of War on Terror

By Zaheerul Hassan

Global War on Terror  is a consequence of 9 11 attacks on twin towers. Still nobody can authentically say that attack was planned by Jewish or Muslim extremists but as a result of it some bitter facts emerged,  American lost 3000 individuals in twin tower attacks.  US led  Forces have lost over 1684 soldiers. Their more than 6584 troops have suffered serious injuries since September 2001. the heavy losses in terms of finances are major set back to the economies of USA and its allies.Pakistan has also been forced to be a key player of
Global War on Terror . According to USA reports, Islamabad is facing major impact of the War and guerilla warfare has enveloped complete Pakistan. Over 3000 soldiers and civilian were martyred and many injured as result of war against terror..  Economy of USA and her NATO allies depleting continuously. Cancer of militancy is continuously maligning the whole world speedily.gulf between two civilizations has also been widened and knocking the door of final nuclear war. However India, Israel and former USA Bush were the main beneficiaries of  Global War on Terror.

USA, Israeli and Indian strategic relations are revolving around common interests like containing China, weakening Pakistan through political destabilization and targeting Iranian and Pakistani Nuke Programme. New Delhi has also made a secret agreement to provide bases to strike Iran. In this context Indian and Israeli forces heads have made various pacts during their visits to Tel Aviv and New Delhi. They have also made ingress in number of American and Western think tanks and media groups. They are using their plate forms for criticizing Muslim countries, their policies and peaceful nuke capabilities. For example on January 17, 2010 Times online again starting yelling against Pakistan nuke programme. The newspaper reported that extremists have access to Pakistani nukes programme. Moreover American has trained a special Pak unit to counter any threat to nukes. The article published in the Times online would be taken as mere try to divert IAEA and nuke experts’ attention from recent accidents of Indian nuke programme and Israeli brutality against Gazans.Christina Lamb   seem to be on payload RAW and Mossad. She is also notorious for spreading rumors regarding Pakistan nuke programme of and on while maliciously writing articles.

Coming back to the topic I would say that former President of USA Mr. Bush was also one of the main beneficiaries of
Global War on Terror.  To save his oil business, he   pushed American forces in Iraq on the pretext of CIA factious reports i.e. presence of weapons of mass destruction and converted peaceful Islamic world their enemy.

It is worth mentioning here that polices of lonely supper power is being influenced and controlled by Jewish and Hindu lobbies.  Most of the think tanks are being bribed by Israel and India. The think tanks affect the policy makers through publishing reports according to their masters’ designs. It’s an open secret now that India is using Afghan territory for training of terrorists and dispatching them to Pakistan.  Recently, Director General Inter Services Intelligence Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha while briefing Parliamentary Committee of National Security, regarding US new Afghan policy and its implication on Pakistan revealed that Afghan soil is being used for terrorist activities in Pakistan. He told that drugs smugglers of Afghanistan have been supporting the terrorists. Pasha also suggested the need that movement of terrorists on Pak-Afghan border should be monitor. He informed members of the committee that negotiations to tighten checking on bordering area between two countries were underway with all stakeholders. The committee members also suggested that Pakistan should be a key player in new Afghan policy. It also demanded to expel the name of Pakistan from policy of US new immigration list. Meanwhile Committee Chairman Raza Rabbani said US drone strikes on Pakistani soil was blatant violation of country's integrity and sovereignty. He said foreign ministry should raise the issue at diplomatic level.

He said that continuous drone attacks on Pakistani territory took away the nation's self-respect, integrity and sovereignty which cannot be tolerated and the issue has been raised with US. He said that idea of fencing the Pak-Afghan border would be kept in mind while preparing the recommendations for national security. To a question about drone strikes Raza Rabbani said that government has lodged protest against US drone strikes diplomatically several times but no vain. Prime Minister also used similar tone while addressing National Assembly in last week. Pakistan times and again also demanded that border with Afghanistan should be fenced but rulers of Kabul always opposed the suggestions.

The above facts dictate that India, Israel and former President Bush were the main beneficiaries and real stake holders of War. American think tanks should know that Washington is losing her credibility because of her tilt towards anti Muslim policies. Though, the American and NATO top brass now started realizing that purpose of Indian ingress in Afghanistan is not to support
Global War on Terror.  Her activities in Afghanistan are quite objectionable. On September 20, NATO commander, Gen. McChrystal in his report on the Afghan war had admitted: “Indian political and economic influence is increasing in Afghanistan including significant development efforts…is likely to exacerbate regional tensions.”

New Delhi under the pretext of Talibinisation of Afghanistan and Pakistan, has established her intelligence network with the support of Israeli Mossad. She is also running secret operations against Pakistan from its consulates in Mazar-i-Sharif, Jalalabad, Kandhar and other sensitive parts of the Pak Afghan border. She has spent millions of dollars in Afghanistan to strengthen its grip and has been sending well trained militants along with arms to Pakistan for attacking the security personnel including western nationals. The unrest in Balochistan is directly being supported by her. New Delhi has attained strategic depth against Pakistan and China while increasing her military troops in the country. Indian joint venture with Israel also reveals that they have decided to set up cantonments inside Afghanistan. In this respect, puppet regime of Hamid Karzai is encouraging India in using the Border Roads Organisation in constructing the ring roads and ignoring Pakistan demand of fencing the border.     

Notably, Indian doesn’t have the desire of rolling back her clandestine agenda against Pakistan and China. She will like to keep American engaged in Afghanistan even beyond 2011. Indian Intelligence agency has also planned some covert operations against USA NATO forces located in Afghanistan. USA if serious in leaving Afghanistan by 2011 then she must try to   establish publicly supported Afghan government. She must also pressurize New Delhi to resolve most burning issues like, Kashmir, border dispute with China and water conflicts with Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan. US & NATO is ready to do more instead of displaying double standards while keeping the silence over the Pak - Afghan border crossers. They should also discontinue with the thoughts that Pak army is not trained and nukes are unsafe. The Western and American media must know that Pakistan is a responsible nuclear state and is also maintaining highly professional armed forces.

At number of occasions  Chief of Army Staff  General Ashfaq Parvez said that Pakistani security forces do not require any sort of  foreign training for countering insurgency, except for much specialised weapons, equipment and high technology. He also maintained that strategic decisions regarding where, when and how many troops need to be deployed in each operation or sector, purely would be based on our national interests and analysis.

President, Prime Minister and foreign office spokesman too categorically rejected western media campaign and American concern over Pakistan nukes and said that our Army is capable enough to protect our nuclear assets.

In short, USA should stop supporting Chief beneficiaries of
Global War on Terror (India and Israel), if serious in resolving global security issues. She should respect the sovereignty and integrity of Pakistan while immediate stopping of Drone attacks. Pakistan should be given drone technology for elimination of militancy. Obama should discontinue with the Bush policies of colonialism, capturing, interfering and grabbing other countries’ natural resources. Talk with Afghan Taliban is the only solution to settle Afghan issue and achieving ultimate victory in Global War on Terror .
Author can be reached at: zameer36@gmail.com

Indian Army Chief General Kapoor as 'silly'

US Ambassador to Pakistan Anne Patterson termed the recent remarks of Indian Army Chief General Kapoor as 'silly' and said that India and Pakistan should address their issues bilaterally to ensure progress in both countries.

In an exclusive interview with DawnNews on Thursday night, the US envoy said that there was enormous potential for economic progress if India and Pakistan got together.

The countries have complementary markets and commercial implications of the good relations between them are enormous, she said.

Anne Patterson said that if the Pakistan government has any evidence of Indian involvement in Balochistan, her country will be keen to play a role in addressing the situation.

She felt the immediate need for reestarting composite dialogue between India and Pakistan and resumption of confidence building measure.

Appreciating the efforts of Pakistan army in combating the terrorists in Swat and South Waziristan the US envoy said, Pakistan army has pursued this war very courageously and they have rendered big sacrifices in it.

She expressed confidence in Pakistan government for spending KLB's assistance money for development of infrastructure in FATA and South Waziristan.

She also lauded Benazir Income Support Programme saying this programme is being appreciated by the comity of nations adding there would be no harm if the money of US assistance reaches the deserving people through this programme.

To a question the American envoy said that withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan would be condition- based.

“We have to train and equip the Afghan security forces to replace the US and Nato troops before leaving the country”, the Ambassador said.

Commenting on the reports of presence of US security officials in Gwadar the envoy said, they visited the area to advance the visit of aid directors to assess the projects being financed through KLB.

She said there was no American in Pakistan without visa or proper documentation adding some people were floating such speculations in the media to undermine the relationship of two countries.

“We do not have Blackwaters in Pakistan and all information in this regard in foreign and local media was nonsense,” she said

Aman ki Asha: Two Faces of India

A Mask for indiaIt is befuddling to see two faces of India; one face breathing fire and yearning to annihilate Pakistan, and the other singing melodious tunes of peace and friendship. One year before, Indian civil and military leaders were indulging in high pitch saber rattling.
Their strike formations had moved up into battle locations and fighter jets had scrambled to strike targets in AJK and Muredke.  Indian media and public were up in arms beating war drums. Divorcing sanity and rationalism, Indian leadership accused Pakistan of its involvement in Mumbai attacks and charge-sheeted it without any shred of evidence. They had refused to listen to any explanation and spurned offer of joint investigation. Whatever one-sided evidence was provided to Pakistan was flimsy and fabricated. They got irritated when lies got exposed but USA and UK covered up their concoctions by fully backing them up and putting the entire blame on Pakistan. Their bellicosity has not died down to this date and they are still bent upon trying to coercively impose their will on Pakistan.
On 29 December, Indian army Chief Deepak Kapoor stoked embers of war for the second time in quick succession. No sooner this uncalled for jingoistic statement was made another equally puzzling move was made under the caption of Aman ki Asha (desire for peace). A seminar was organised in New Delhi jointly sponsored by India Times and Jang Group from 10-12 January to promote peace between two arch rivals. Notwithstanding the harmless and well-meaning title, timings of the same were rather odd since it does not fit into the vitiated atmosphere deliberately stoked by India. It is persistently inflating its defence budget and its armed forces are getting laced with latest art-of-weapons and its nuclear program is being radically expanded and upgraded. Added to it are its offensive designs and covert operations against Pakistan. It is in no mood to resolve disputes and ease tensions.
From the time India signed peace treaty with Pakistan in January 2004 and promised to resolve all disputes through composite dialogue, India has not moved an inch towards resolution of any dispute. Major disputes are Kashmir, Siachen, Sir Creek, dams on rivers and water. Past master in foot dragging and making false promises, India kept buying time and under the garb of friendship deceived Pakistan by stabbing it in the back. Its intelligence agencies have been indulging in sabotage and subversion and supporting disruptive forces in Pakistan and making several regions turbulent. Even when RAW’s involvement in Balochistan, FATA and Swat came to light our leaders preferred to remain quiet so as not to antagonize India.
Taking our policy of appeasement as a sign of weakness, RAW and Mossad in consultation with CIA cooked up Mumbai drama. Indian political leaders and media upped the ante and held Pakistan squarely responsible for the carnage without a shred of evidence. Their mentors in USA and UK lent credence to their false claims. The incident planned in a shoddy manner backfired and prestige of shining India got badly bruised. Indian public termed it as an intelligence failure. Intelligence agencies, Indian Navy, Coast Guard, Mumbai security apparatus as well as Army were censured since a band of ten terrorists managed to breach the cordon and held the port city hostage for over 72 hours. Response of security forces was simply pathetic, resulting in lots of fatalities including foreigners and loss of face.
When Pakistan did not get over awed and held its ground firmly on diplomatic and military planes coolly, maturely and boldly, it nonplussed plot makers in India. As the dust settled down and glaring loopholes in the wicked plan started to prop up, it further perplexed them.  It irritated them to find Pakistan objecting to their fake pieces of evidence and got panicky when their lies got exposed. Not knowing what to do, they were left with no other option but to keep crying as victims of terrorism and stubbornly clinging on to their ridiculous stance that India would not renew dialogue unless Pakistan acted upon its silly demands of punishing the culprits and dismantling terrorist networks. While expecting a lot from Pakistan, India refuse to admit that it is involved in subversive activities, well knowing that Pakistan has collected heap of evidence.
Hosts of steps taken by Pakistan were disregarded and like USA, it also started to stupidly sing the mantra of ‘do more’. This piggish stance has become all the more necessary to hide their embarrassment since Ajmal Kasab, the lone witness on which the whole case was cleverly spun by Indian agencies has begun to unravel truths while recoding his statement in the law court. He has categorically denied having killed anyone on 26/11 and revealed that he was kidnapped and put in jail much before the incident and on the day of occurrence he was taken to the site, shot and injured. Involvement of local terrorists aided by elements within Indian army and RAW in Samjhota Express and Malegaon acts of terror has already been proven.
In the backdrop of demonstrated Indian bellicosity, Aman ki Asha came as a surprise and left many in Pakistan gaping in wonder as to what to believe and what not to believe. Pro-Indian elements within Pakistan have however hailed the initiative. They have been ignoring Indian clandestine operations together with jingoism and have projected Indo-US theme that religious extremists and not India is the existential threat to security of Pakistan. They laugh and mock those who say that war on terror is US war and not our war. They also ignored Gen Kapoor’s offensive statements but jumped with excitement at the proposed seminar on Aman ki Asha and lauded the idea profusely. In their series of write ups they have projected it as a breakthrough and a step in the right direction towards Indo-Pak détente. None bothered to contemplate that no Indian leader has brought any change in his tone and hawkish style, or taken any confidence building measures  to ease up tension. List of invitees was prepared from among them.
Aman ki Asha is not meant to promote peace but to once again harm Pakistan through guile and deceit. It has been conceived and sponsored by RAW with devious motives.  Real motive behind it is to sidestep real issues of conflict and once again indulge in nonsensical CBMs. It is an effort to hoodwink world comity and to again take Pakistan for a ride. India has somehow come to the conclusion that as a result of Indo-US-Israel-UK eight-year collective efforts, Pakistan has been sufficiently weakened from within and is now in dire strait. In their view the Islamists imbued with warrior spirit who remain ever ready to shed last drop of their blood to defend Pakistan have been antagonized and marginalized while sizeable numbers of soldiers pushed into the quicksand of war on terror for times to come. They feel that time is ripe to dictate terms either through military coercion or through peace mantra and extract maximum concessions. They want peace to be imposed on Indian terms which they perceive will be readily accepted by Pakistan. Pro-Indian lobbies particularly among ultra liberals in Pakistan will actively pursue their agenda.
If India is really interested in peace, it will have to first undo some of the blatant wrongs it inflicted upon Pakistan. It must immediately put an end to its intrusive and meddlesome activities in Pakistan, it should abide by Indus Basin Treaty of 1960 and stop stealing water and building dams on rivers flowing into Pakistan, abide by Indo-Pak agreement on Siachen inked in 1989, resolve Sir Creek issue on which already lot of ground has been covered, stop its vile propaganda against Pakistan, develop relations on the basis of trust, friendship, respect and equality. Above all, longstanding Kashmir dispute which is the main bone of contention should be resolved in accordance with UN Resolutions and pledges of Nehru.
Brig A Haroon Raja